Tallahassee Kendo Club

A Brief Introduction

The Tallahassee Kendo Club has been enjoying practice and fellowship in Tallahassee, FL since 2008. We are a proud member dojo of the Southeastern United States Kendo Federation. We are a non-profit organization that hopes to share kendo with the Tallahassee and North Florida community. For more information please visit the following links:




Contact Us: TallahasseeKendo@outlook.com

We would like for you to watch one practice before formally joining us (it is a bit easier to see the flow of the workout from the sidelines) - then just bring comfortable fitting clothing to begin the following week! Please stop by and feel free to ask questions.


Sunday 7pm - 9pm

Tuesday 8p - 9pm

Current fees

Startup: $70 - $110 (includes first shinai and first month-amount depends on the day(s) you choose)

Sunday only: $50/month

Tuesday only: $30/month

Both Sunday and Tuesday: $70/month

All proceeds go to paying for our space at a rate of $30/hr ($420/month). If we have sufficient membership, either the fees will go down or we expand the number of practices per week. We make no profit from the fees.

In order to compete at tournaments and to test you must join the SEUSKF:

$110/year usually due in February/March


Arts After School

3510 Weems Rd

Tallahassee, FL


Tallahassee Kendo Club Facebook group